Sunday, 31 May 2015

Rhubarb tiramisu

When you have a beautiful rhubarb in your garden and it is producing like a little champ, rhubarb tiramisu is a little piece heaven to celebrate spring.

Tiramisu is a typical Italian dessert, traditionally made with cocoa and liquor. Tiramisu literally means 'lift me up'. This rhubarb twist has no cocoa and no liquor but will definitely lift your spirits. 


  • 300 grams of rhubarb 
  • 2 oranges
  • 125 ml heavy cream
  • 250 grams of mascarpone (cream cheese)
  • 12 spongefingers (we silly Dutch call them long fingers)
  • Sugar
  • 4 whiskey glasses (I use water glasses)


Step 1.

Wash your rhubarb and take the heel off the bottom. Cut the stalks in chunks of about half an inch.

Step 2.

Wash your oranges and grate the zest off. Squeeze them for all their juices.

Step 3.

Grab a small pan and put in your rhubarb, half the orange-zest, all the orange juice and three table spoons of sugar. Bring to a boil, let it simmer for 15 minutes, then strain trough a sieve. You need both the sifted juices and the rhubarb in your sieve.

Step 4.

Beat the heavy cream to a medium thick consistency with a table spoon of sugar. Add the mascarpone and blend well.

Step 5.

Break the spongefingers in half and divide over the bottom of your whiskey glasses. Poor the rhubarb juice over them. Divide the mascarpone cream over them and end with the rhubarb chunks. Garnish with the left over orange zest.


I shared mine with my housemates and they loved it. Food tastes so much better to me when it is enjoyed with loved ones.

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