Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Living with less stress part 1

Last night I came across an article about coping with stress and it made me realise I could totally do some of these, and so can you! So coming weeks I will share some great tips with you about avoiding and dealing with stress.

Get up 15 minutes earlier 

By getting up 15 minutes earlier you will avoid hurrying through your morning routine and feeling stressed out even before your day has started. Use those 15 minutes to do something that makes you happy. A happy start can make all the difference in your day. No matter how crappy the rest of the day will be, you have had your little happy moment.

Prepare for tomorrow

I prepare for the next day by laying out my outfit and packing my work bag. This little change in my routine has added so much to avoiding stress in the morning. I am not my best in the morning, so getting up and not having to think about what to wear and what I need to pack saves me more time to do something pleasant and start my day right.

Avoid tight fitting clothes

Feeling uncomfortable in your clothes makes you uncomfortable all day. Avoid this by only buying clothes that fit right and feel good. I always make sure I buy pants that I can bend and squat in without losing all blood flow to  my legs or exposing my self (yes I squat in the store changing rooms).

Avoid relying on chemical aids

I must confess, I am major guilty in this department. I am addicted to coffee. When I don't get my cup of coffee in the morning, I am just not the same. I have downsized my coffee addiction, I really only NEED the one in the morning. Some years ago I would drink coffee all day at work until I actually got shaky from too much caffeine. I would also get terrible head aches on my days off when I would not drink enough coffee. Being so addicted to a chemical causes so much stress when the substance is not available or convenient, it is better to live without. Let your body tell you what it needs, where it is aching and deal with it without chemicals. Rest more, eat better and take care of your body.

Set appointments ahead

I tend to be a big slacker. I will wait until the last minute to do something and most times, I will be late, there will be no more time to fix mistakes etc. Result? Major stress. Plan ahead. Know your car needs to go to the garage? Call today, get that appointment. Feel like you never get to see that one friend? Call today, make an appointment. No it is not very spontaneous, but life is not a rom com. Most things take planning.

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