Sunday, 9 March 2014

My list of mandatory vegetables

My master plan is finally unfolding (insert evil laughter). My garden plan is ready! I took all the mandatory vegetables listed in Practical Self sufficiency and made a scheme to remind me when to sow, when to plant and when to harvest. The list is as follows:

  1. Red beets (lovely for juicing)
  2. Garden peas 
  3. Broccoli
  4. Brusselsprouts (a household favorite)
  5. Carrots
  6. Celeriac
  7. Summer squash (tried these last year with huge success!)
  8. Curly kale
  9. Leeks
  10. Garlic (I already planted some last fall)
  11. Parsnip
  12. Peas
  13. Radishes (foolproof, if all else fails, we will eat radishes)
  14. Rhubarb (hopefully I can get this from a friend)
  15. French beans
  16. Lettuce
  17. Spinach
  18. Tomatoes (must remember to buy this as a grown plant, never had much luck with homegrown ones)

Whew that’s a lot. Remember when I said I would take it slow? Well I guess that’s out the door then.

Okay to protect myself from massif failure feelings, I am taking this on as an experiment. I’m only going to plant one of each for the big ones like curly kale. I will put them in individual containers. The smaller things like carrots will be put together in a big container. When they fail, I will hopefully know why, or else conclude I suck at growing them and try something else next year.  

Now all I have to do is go out and buy seeds to start my plants. Which vegetables will you be growing this year?

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