Sunday 2 March 2014

The road to happiness

Lately I have become aware of a growing discontentment. My life feels like a series of chores, tasks and jobs to get done. Honestly, sometimes it feels like my only goal in life is to make money. Now before you start thinking I am a greedy person, let me explain why I feel this way.

I buy a lot of stuff I don’t really need. This probably sounds familiar. I think most people do this. When I speak with the people around me, a lot of them feel unhappy and wanting things. Things that, they believe, will bring them happiness.

I want a big house, then I will be happy. I want a new car, then I will be happy, I want I want I want.
Then if you get what I want, you’re all excited for a while. And then you start wanting more things, better things. All this wanting inspires a person to make more money. Thus you work more to make more money.
I am so fed up with this feeling. Thus, I am ending this depressing circle, and I am doing this by replacing my wants. Because as it turns out, when I try to grasp what I really want, what my heart wants, they’re all things I can’t buy.

I want more happiness and joy in my life. I want to love and to feel connected. I want a life where I do not attempt to buy my happiness. I want to stop being so dependent on my wallet.
From now on, I will grow my own happiness. I will fill my life with things I love so I can love the things that fill my life. Spending less money, gaining more freedom.   

Enough rambling about me. What makes you truly happy?

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